
To Mend a Broken Heart: Ch 2

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Chapter 2: Hurtful Words

“Good morning, mother…father,” she chimed, entering the dinning room. Himeno took her normal seat, next to Mayune. Unlike just over a year ago, Mayune welcomed her step-sister to the table with a smile.

“Morning, Himeno.”

“Morning, Mayune.” The pink haired girl grinned widely, shrugging her shoulders up slightly. Mayune chuckled softly, raising her nose up slightly.

“…and what has you so perky this morning?” she questioned Himeno. The other girl could not help but show a light blush.

“Oh, nothing. Its just a beautif-” Himeno was cut off by a mighty CRASH! All occupants of the room turned their eyes to the large window, just as rain began to belt the pains of glass. Flashes of lighting illuminating the outside, and soon was the only source lighting the interior as well.

“Oh, Kaoru…I’m scared!” squeals Natsue, clinging to Himeno’s father for dear life. Like the hero he wished he was, Kaoru hugged his wife close.

“Don’t fret, the power will be back on shortly…and I’m here for you,” her father cooed softly to his wife. The two remained clung to one enough as several servants came in with candles, placing several single golden candle sticks upon the table.

Himeno had no problem eating in the partial darkness, though it seemed Mayune did. She insisted that there should be a few more candles about her, for proper lighting. While demanding that someone get the power back on.

“Mayune, you can still eat. Its not -that- dark in here,” Himeno drawled lightly, watching her step-sister from the corner of her eye.

“It is just unacceptable! I shouldn’t have to eat in such poor lighting,” Mayune huffed, crossing her arms over her chest. She went to complain more, but ended up just gapping at her mother. Natsue and Kaoru were having a great time feeding each other under candle light.

Give me a break.’ Himeno sighed, leaning back into her chair as she gave her bangs a soft puff.

“Done, miss?” Himeno sat up so fast, she nearly knocked the maid back.

“Oh, yes. Arigato.” She bowed her head to the servant, smiling softly. Rising from her chair, she excused herself from the table…almost unnoticed. Mayune was still demanding that the light be fixed, while her step-mother and father were to evolved with each other. With a shake of her head, Himeno exited the dinning room.

“Would you like me to escort you to your room?” a butler asked politely, holding a small candelabra up to help light the area. Himeno shook her head with a gentle smile.

“No thank you, I can walk myself.”

“Very well. May I offer you a candle to help light your way?” The gentleman held out a single stick now, which Himeno took gratefully. Heading to her room, she watched out each window she past.

Drink up, little hayantias. Grow up big and strong…’ she encouraged inwardly, pausing at wide single pane window that gave her a near perfect view of the garden below. Of course she could not see the special garden of hayantias, just barely the trees that lined the outskirts of the small forest. Still, she would not be gloomy on a rainy day…not after yesterday.

~ yesterday ~

The two had found Mawata and the children knights, Shin and Hajime, out near the pond. Mawata had taught them how to make paper boats, and all three were racing their tiny crafts cross the water. The small Knight of Plants was looking rather upset, as his boat had yet to win any of the twelve races they had. Mawata’s craft had not won, either, but that was alright.
“That’s not fair,” the smaller boy exclaimed, his eyes growing big and glass. Hajime was slightly offended.

“How is it not fair? Are you saying I’m cheating?” Hajime looked hurt, posing innocence. Shin sniffled, bringing one balled fist up to rub his now tearing eye.

“Y-you are…:sniff: pushing your b-boat…with the w-water,” the small boy sniffed and snuffled, trying not to cry. Though he was failing, as tears were already making their way down his round cheeks.

“I am not!” Hajime defended. Mawata cooed softly, pulling the smaller boy into her arms. Himeno knelt down to help console Shin, while Hajime huffed quietly beside them. Hayate moved over to the pond, plucking the small boat out of the water…returning it to its owner.

“Hey,” Hayate said softly, getting Shin’s attention, The small bond haired boy turned his slightly puffy eyes towards  the older knight. “How about one more race?” Hayate handed the boy his craft, allowing him to think it over a bit. Himeno had taken a seat upon the ledge of the pond, next to Mawata, by now…watching Hayate with a tender gaze.

“K,” said a quiet voice, finally. Hayate nodded once, his lips arching in a soft smile. Hajime retrieved his craft from the opposite side of the pond, placing it at the starting point next to Shin’s. The race started, and at first Hajime was winning again. Hayate narrowed his eyes slightly upon Shin’s boat, and gave a gesture with one finger towards it (as if flicking something) To both boys’ surprise, Shin’s boat was soon neck to neck…then ahead of Hajime’s. Hayate had given Shin’s boat a small push of air, so the little boy would win. There was cheering as Shin’s boat had won the race. Hajime looked a bit huffy at first, but with a quick messing of his hair by Hayate’s large hand, all were smiling and happy.

He is so good with them,’ Himeno though affectionately, watching Hayate in a happy daze. Mawata gave her step-sister a soft nudge with her elbow, causing Himeno to blink and blush. Her eyes turned swiftly to her side, meeting a smiling pair of green eyes. Mawata didn’t say anything, just simply smiled.

~ later that day ~

“Himeno?” The two had left the mansion to walk the city, and were not sitting at the beach watching the waves and people passing by.  Himeno stopped in mid-lick of her ice cream, turning her eyes up to Hayate. His gaze heavy upon her, she blushed nearly instantly. Bowing her head down a moment, Himeno pulled her tongue in, and closing her mouth swiftly, she gave a swallow to clear her throat.

“Y-yes?” she stammered, her eyes rising back up to his eyes. His gaze dove deep into her, almost as if he was searching inside her. ‘Those deep blue eyes…

“Himeno…“ he lingered, his cheeks now beginning to flush as well, ‘TELL HER!‘ his mind screamed, but his mouth suddenly went dry. Hayate’s nerve was again lost, and he fumbled around in his brain for something else to say. “Uh, are…you ready to go back? Its getting late.”

“Go back?” she asked disappointed, her eyes turning towards the horizon. The sun was going to be setting soon. ‘He wants to go back now?’ Giving him a sideways glance, “Can’t we watch the sun set?” she asked in a cute plea. Hayate’s cheeks flushed a bit more.

Watch the sunset with her? That sound something Sasame would suggest.’ Hayate gave her a nod after a moment debate with himself, and a handsome smile “Sure.”

“Arigato, Hayate.” Himeno smiled happily, leaning herself against his shoulder.
Hayate tried to get away at first, but she only leaned against him the further he tilted. Giving up, the knight pulled his arm from under her side to drape it around her shoulder. The two had watched the sunset together, and even lingered until the stars came out and the air grew cold. Giving Himeno his jacket, the couple proceeded back to her home.

~ end flash back ~

Hayate,’ she though with great affection, still standing before the large single paned window showcasing the garden. A brilliant flash of lighting brought her out of her daydreaming, and back to reality. Himeno hurried to her room to change, holding the candle stick just above her head.

Takako is going to be here, soon. I should meet her at the gate with an umbrella.’ That day both Pretear and former Princess of Disaster had planned to surprise the Leafe Knights with a large picnic. Takako and Mawata, after ushering Shin and Hajime back home to Goh, had baked several more pies for the group to enjoy. Mayune insisted on them ordering lunch to be catered and delivered, which would save them lots of time in preparation. Though Mawata and Mayune were invited, neither were going with Himeno and Takako to the picnic, Mayune had previous engagements outside the family, while Mawata had promised her step-father a day of sculpting.

It was nearly noon when Takako came through the gate, with Himeno right there to meet her. A large light blue umbrella in hand, decorated with a pink tulip pattern.

“Himeno,” the dark haired girl greeted, once merged through the gate. “Oh, its raining!” Takako did a quick step-leap under the umbrella and almost into Himeno. The pink haired girl giggled, giving a nod.

“Yea, I know. Sorry, I should have checked the weather for today.”

“Oh, its alright. The sun is bright and warm in Leafenia…still a perfect day for a picnic.” Himeno grinned, very happy about that. A day outside in the sun beat being cooped up in the house any day.  The two headed quickly back to the mansion, the rain starting to come down heavier after another rumble of thunder. Once inside, both headed to the kitchen to prepare the two large baskets they were bringing back to Leafenia for the picnic. Takako couldn’t help notice the extremely good mood Himeno seemed to be in, and after watching Hayate basically parade around all morning, just had to ask.

“I see you gave Hayate the gift,” Takako commented, as she gentle layer another pie into her basket. Himeno did not look up from the sandwiches she was wrapping, her cheeks lightly flushing. “He liked it?”

“I hope so. He didn’t say,” she paused a moment, her face growing thoughtful, but quickly regained its happy smile “He didn’t say he -didn’t- like it, so.” Himeno replied hopefully. Takako stopped packing to lay a hand on Himeno’s shoulder. The Pretear looked up at the other girl’s face, only to be met by a confident smile.

“Himeno…he liked it,” Takako assured. Himeno gave a nod, smiling a bit more. Then both returned to their perpetrations. Conversation moving from one subject to the next, until they were ready to adventure back outside. Both stood at the back doors, each holding a basket and one hand and an umbrella in the other.

“Ready?” Himeno’s eyes glanced up at Takako. The dark haired girl was watching the rain come down, looking a bit stand-offish. “Come on, its just a little rain.” Takako chuckled, giving a nod. “Ok, on three?”

“One…” Takako began.

“Two…” Himeno continued. Both girls bent one knee, as if reading for a marathon.

“Three!” both cried, lunging out of the doors and into the down pour of raindrops. Takako was more successful of avoiding the deeper puddles then Himeno. By the time they made it through the gate, Himeno’s legs were soaked halfway up her shins…while Takako was only damp up to her ankles. Himeno rested her basket down upon the grass next to Takako’s, folding up her umbrella. Standing talk, she stretches her arms over her head, taking a deep inhale of air.

“Mmm, its so beautiful here,” she groaned, as she twisted her body around a bit. Himeno always enjoyed Leafenia. Who wouldn’t? It was a land made purely of dreams, always warm and sweet smelling, flourishing with colors and thriving with leafe.

“Hai. It is,” Takako agreed, looking around what she called home. “Well, lets go see the boys.” Himeno nodded to that, picking up her basket and joining Takako in the trek towards the Leafe Knights’ home.

“Oh, what are they bickering about now?” Takako sighed, as there were raised voices emitting from the direction of the house. They were still too far away to hear what was being said, and with the trees surrounding the home they couldn’t tell who was arguing with whom.

“Is that from Himeno?” asked a voice belonging to Goh.

“it’s a pansy! Haha!” chuckled what sounded to be Mannen.

“Its called a ‘hayantias’, Mannen,” defended a smaller voice belonging to Shin.

“Oooh, a Hayate-pansy!” continued Mannen’s taunting.

“Shut up, you brat!” came Hayate’s deeper voice.

“Hayate, Knight of Pansies!” cracked Goh.

“Shouldn’t we call him Princess Pansies?” Mannen chimed, causing Goh to chuckle.

“Cut it out,” Hayate demanded.

“I’ll go get you a sun dress, Miss Hayate.” snickered Mannen.

“Aw, it‘ll be so pretty!” came Goh’s voice again. “You’re going to have a pretty flower garden just like your girlfriend’s? How feminine.”

“Of course not,” defended Hayate, “and she’s not my girlfriend!”

“Yes you are, Hayate. That’s why I am helping you plant it, right?” Shin innocently corrected. “And Himeno gave that flower to you for your anniversary,“ the little boy finished. There was a small pause, then rolling laughter from what sounded like Goh and Mannen.

Himeno had slowed to a snails pace, and then stopped. She hated it when they fought, and this was a very personal subject the knights were bickering over. These were the flowers her and Shin worked so hard at breeding for months. This was something very special to her, she did just for Hayate. ‘He liked them,’ she said encouragingly to herself, but there was even doubt in the voice in her head. ‘Right?

Takako had stopped several feet in front of Himeno, now, watching the girls expression as the argument just beyond the trees continued. The dark haired girl prayed that Hayate didn’t let his pride say something his heart wouldn’t.

“Hayate and Himeno, sitting in a tree…K-I-S-S-I-N-G!” began both Goh and Mannen, signing with difficulty as they were still laughing.

“Will you grow up!” Hayate’s voice was getting louder, and more impatient. “She is -not- my girlfriend…and I’m only planting this damn stupid flower to make that dumb Tulip Head happy!”

Takako gasped, her eyes widening as she spun around to peer through the remaining trees that separated them from the knights. ‘Hayate, don’t!’ she warmed inwardly.

“But…Hayate…” came Shin’s tiny voice, pleadingly.

“Here…take the damn thing. Let it die for all I care,” Hayate had shoved the flower into Shin’s small hands, “Its just a damn flower…nothing special.” and he turned to storm off. His cheeks flushed with both anger and embarrassment. Goh and Mannen had fallen silent now, looking on a bit shaken.

“Hey, we were only teasing,” Goh defended apologetically. “We know that it means a lot to you.”

“Its just a damn flower. It means nothing to me!” Hayate snapped, making Goh flitch some.

“Yes it does, cause Himen-” began Mannen.

“Why would it matter who gave it to me? A flower is a flower. Step, leaves, some petals…and this damn thing has thorns. An even bigger pain in the ass!” Hayate headed towards the forest, just wanting to be away from the others as he was still burning with an embarrassed-rage.

Takako side stepped as Hayate nearly ran into her. His eyes shot sideward towards Takako, her expression in utter shock as her eyes shown with disappointment.

“What?” Hayate snapped.

“Ha…Hayate,” came a faint, shaking voice. His eyes widen, horror struck. He froze, still facing away from his princess.

Himeno…no.’ Slowly he turned his gaze upon her, and was almost struck down by the pain in her eyes. The beautiful pink orbs that once shimmered with happiness and joy, glared at him in hurt, betrayal and hate. He always awed over the emotion she could portray in her eyes, warming him…but now it chilled him to the core.

Himeno gripped the woven basket’s handles tight, trying to stop her hands from trembling…as tears already welded up in her eyes. Hayate opened his mouth to speak, but hadn’t the chance to utter a word. In a heart wrenching sob, she threw the basket at him…spun on her toes, and ran.

Takako stared after Himeno’s retreating form, then up at Hayate. He hadn’t moved from his spot, the basket now upon the ground…its contents scattered around his feet. Though his outer appearance only showed that of shock, he was screaming inside, confused and scared. ‘Her eyes…

Nothing. It means nothing to him.’ Himeno could just make out the path ahead of her, as tears scattered in air behind her. She dove through the gateway that connected Leafenia with Earth, stumbling back into the drenching rain. At one point she no longer could open her eyes, she was crying so hard. His hurtful words echoing in her head, crushing her heart ‘It means nothing…I mean nothing. Nothing.

She had made it through her home and to her bedroom unseen, and hopefully unheard. She turned and shut the door behind her, locking it…then to the balcony doors, latching them shut…before throwing herself upon her bed. She sobbed into her pillow for what seemed like hours, before her body became exhausted and she fast fell into an uneasy sleep.
Summary: A year has past, and Himeno decides to give Hayate a gift on the year anniversary of their first pret. Though neither have confessed their love to each other. A day later, Himeno's heart is broken by Hayate's careless words. Now Hayate must find a way to mend the heart of his love before something terrible happens. [Himeno x Hayate]

Disclaimer: I do not own Pretear. Pretear is copyrighted Junichi Sato & Kaori Naruse 2001
© 2005 - 2024 theNekk
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